LONDON – Britain’s government is officially going trigger Article 50 on Wednesday and kickstart the formal two-year Brexit negotiation process.

It has already had an effect on the markets – the pound has fallen against the US dollar and the euro and this, in turn, has boosted some of the key stocks on the FTSE 100 because many multinational companies report earnings in dollars, so a weak pound makes their sterling-denominated share price look cheap.

But according to Paul Mumford at Cavendish Asset Management, a veteran fund manager and author of “The Stock Picker, “Brexit presents some prime opportunities for investors:

1. It is a “good opportunity to buy the shares that have been negatively affected.”

2. He expects the pound to recover and the temporary “depreciation of Sterling will benefit UK exporters.”

Prime Minister May is expected to trigger Article 50 on Wednesday around lunchtime. She is set to take Britain towards a “hard Brexit” – shorthand for Britain leaving the European Union without membership of the Single Market in exchange for having full control over immigration into the country.

The prospect of a “hard Brexit” is what is hitting markets the most. It is basically the most severe outcome for Britain leaving the EU. Business Insider’s Ben Moshinsky outlined all the challenges the City faces in the wake of Brexit negotiations and a “hard Brexit.”

Mumford has been a fund manager for nearly 30 years. But he said that "on the whole the triggering of Article 50 shouldn't be taken too negatively," and "if the market does see a huge downward reaction it's also a good opportunity to buy the shares that have been negatively affected."

Here is more from his statement, which was sent to Business Insider (emphasis ours):

"For now, though, gilts are pretty unattractive, with the latest UK Treasury Bills issued on a negative yield. With inflation inevitably going up in UK and the depreciation of Sterling, investors are likely to be looking at where else to invest - and the natural place is riskier assets such as equities. "In the UK, the FTSE 100 sees a large proportion of its earnings come from overseas so it has a measure of protection there, and in the smaller end of market companies are more nimble and more adaptable to change - so as well as creating uncertainty, the Brexit negotiations are also producing opportunities for companies."